Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Routine Praise

The routine of a retired soul is vastly improved from a tired soul. Laughable it is to think of my retired reality.  Rise and shine around 7:30 am, which used to be the time of my arrival at the City gate.  Not wanting to forget my multiple blessings,  my heart is chocked full of LIFE at its best! Married to Michael Hoyle a man of God who gives me unlimited grace.
Daily I do what is necessary to maintain my HAPPY: At 7:30 AM I saunter into the kitchen which is filled with streams of light pouring through the overhead skylight. Time alone with my daily devotional of Jesus Calling, I respond by etching down my graditude to the One I am devoted to. A blast of Extra Sharp tonic gives my face the opportunity to scrench, followed by a challenge for my brain cells to suggest to my body, it is time for a stroll to the malecon.  Ahhh, how I love to hear the symphony of birds and all the delightful dog walkers parading their pups.  Unlike my workdays of 2013, which began with another day of mayhem~ today I am greeted by a wildly entertaining eclectic group of expat citizens co-mingling with the locals. At work in the States,  by nine in the morning I had the JOY of attentively listening to a minimum of 30 recorded complaints as well as enjoy a bakers dozen of face to face encounters with people from every nation ranting in colorful tones and tongues.
Directing the lost, I greeted the disturbed at the window of neighborhood services, opened at best 200 pieces of snail mail, and responded to a dozen emails before lunch. Nursing incoming calls with compassionate transfers, I then traversed the steamy sidewalks to deliver legal liens to the County office. 15 or more ASK STOCKTON requests arrive by lunch, all requiring grace and mercy to subdue the angry, whilst de-escalating impending arguments. Into my sixth month of retirement, and I am yet adjusting to my freedom from complaints and angry citizens.   Blogging is what I do to jot down my journey with photo’s that accentuate my awesome reality.  I enjoy the TRUTH that I live wonderfully equipped to see beyond the limits of the visible.   My new Casa is framed with great memories with family and friends, however, I miss my husband and cannot wait for him to join me.  The divine space to which God assigned me, is to be alone temporarily and streamline my gratitude in these words.  He is amused to watch how I respond to His amazing ways of answering my unspoken prayers.
God gives us all ample opportunity to work out our faith in Him.  A recent visit by a new neighbor got me to name the blessing of having a GREAT helpmate. Previously I posted transparently in 2013.....Dear God, how can I possibly be of any use as I am? My ever faithful and surprising husband Michael, the man who loves me beyond reason, reminds me that he wants the best for me, he wants to hear my laughter, he wants to read what God has to say through me. Today I delight to jot down a whimsical exchange between myself and my Lord.  A double portion, a double blessing, even better than a double dipped chocolate cone. A double good answer to our silent but obviously known individual soul prayers!  Mike sought a wife he could support and adore,  and I sought God's will.  We both emerged and twitter "I will praise God’s name in a blog and glorify him with thanksgiving". Psalm 69:30 

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