Geology supports the order of creation. Mathematics proves that creation was not random. Biology validates that each creature created reproduces after its own kind. Physics confirms that the world is running out of resources. Anthropology confirms that of all creation, only the human being can think, learn, listen and respond with intellectual writing. The Bible clearly teaches that God created a variety of species, organisms and man. The so-called contradiction between the Bible and modern science is: only a conflict in the opinion of the God created thinking man. There are NO man made facts that can resolutely alter the Truth as revealed in the Holy Bible. In the book of Genesis chapters 1-11, God lays out the origin of the universe; man and the nations, man's corruption, his own destruction, the scattering of man made beliefs and false gods. God's plan to birth the nation of Israel, unfolds through a generation, born of a man named Abram. Chapters 12-50 tells the history of God's
rejection of those who refused to obey Him. The Father of all Creation tests and disciplines those He loves. God chose to teach and lead His people to trust and obey through the example of Abram. In chapter 12 of Genesis, God directed Abram to leave his homeland and go to Canaan. God changed Abram's name to Abraham (father of a multitude) and He promised Abraham that He would make a great nation out of his descendants. God made a covenant with Abraham in which He stated that the land of Canaan would be occupied by his descendants. When Abraham was 100 years old, God told him that he would have a son through his 90 year old wife Sarah. In spite of their laughable doubts, God fulfilled His covenant. Isaac, the son of Abraham, was used to fulfill God's promise and Abraham's descendants became as numberless as the stars.
The promise of God passed from Abraham to Isaac. Then from Isaac's son Jacob, the second born twin of his sons. Esau was the first born of the twins. However, Isaac's wife Rebekah plots a deception. She prods her second born, to disguise himself as Esau, in order that Jacob receives the blessing of their dying father. Isaac blesses Jacob and sent him to Paddan-aram, to find a wife among the daughters of Laban. On his journey, Jacob rests and in a dream he receives a vision of a ladder leading up to heaven. The Lord speaks to Jacob and reaffirms His original covenant with Abraham. Jacob falls in love with Laban's daughter Rachel, however, Laban tricks Jacob on his wedding night. Laban's daughter Leah repalced Rachel in the wedding tent. Jacob eventually marries both sisters and through them and two concubines, 12 sons are born. Joseph was his first born son through his favored wife Rachel. Jacob departs from Laban and soon learns that his twin brother Esau is coming to visit with 400 men. Jacob is
terrified of Esau's probable revenge. One night before Esau arrives, Jacob encounters an angel of the Lord. The angel changes his name from Jacob to Israel, which means "contender with God". Israel learns that his brother Esau carries no grudge and Jacob AKA Israel settles in Shechem. Joseph is Israel's favored son and he gives Joseph a multi-colored robe. Hatred and jealousy prompt Joe's brothers to plot to kill him, but then they simply strip him of his robe and drop him in a deep pit to die. The brothers take back Joe's blood smeared, multi-colored robe to Israel. The father weeps for his dead son Joseph. Joe is rescued from the pit by Ishmaelite traders who sold Joe as a slave to Potifar, an officer of the Pharaoh in Egypt. Joseph is soon elevated to a high position with Potifar due to his trustworthy wisdom. Potifar's wife attempts to seduce Joe, and when he rejects her, she falsely accuses him and Joseph is imprisoned. Two years later the Pharaoh summons Joe out of prison to interpret his dream. Joseph successfully forecasted seven years of prosperity followed by seven years of famine. The Pharaoh made Joseph the ruler over all of Egypt's resources to prepare for the famine. The famine affects Canaan and Jacob AKA Israel sends all his sons except Benjamin to Egypt to get grain for their tribe.
Joseph's brothers did not recognize him, but eventually Joseph reveals his identity. Genesis 47-1 "Joseph went and informed Pharaoh 'My father and my brothers, with their sheep and cattle and all that they own have come from the land of Canaan and are now in the land of Goshen." Genesis 50:15 "When Josephs brothers saw that their father (Jacob AKA Israel) was dead, they said to one another, 'If Joseph is holding a grudge against us, he will certainly repay us for all the suffering we caused him.' ....But Joseph said to them, "Don't be afraid, am I in the place of God? You planned evil against me; God planned it for good to bring about the present result - the survival of many people." Just like Jesus, Joseph was favored then betrayed by his brothers, and friends, then placed in a pit to die. Jesus was rejected by his brothers, his community and was crucified and put in a tomb. But God had a plan for Jesus and Joseph and God raised them up for His purpose. To fulfill His covenant to bless the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Jesus was lifted up from death, and returned resurrected from the dead for God's purpose, the salvation of the world. LESSON for ALL: Trust and Obey God to receive His blessings.
Saturday, November 19, 2016
Friday, November 18, 2016
Bible Overview
We also cannot neglect the fact that Jesus also stated that “ignorance of the Old Testament is the source of error.” Matthew 22:29. Obediently the New Testament writers also considered the Old Testament (OT) to be Scripture which is “inspired by God” 11 Timothy 3:16. The critics of the Bible attempt to deceive us and cause us to choose between the Truth as revealed in the Holy Bible, and what they say "The Bible is a fairy tale for the weak" Our choice is to accept the authenticity and the authority of the Old Testament or to disagree with what Jesus affirmed to be true.
The entire Word of God is Truth, or Christ is not the Son of God. We agree that Jesus told us the Truth, which means that the Old Testament is the historically accurate and divinely authoritative Word of God, or we deceive ourselves by criticizing the canonization of the Old Testament. The word canon means “rule” and it refers to the sacred writings which are the rule for faith and practice among believers. Today, Christ is our guide; He is the key to the interpretation of the Bible through the Holy Spirit. There is no other way for a Christian to understand God’s Word. There are three basic Holy Spirit revelations in which we may see Christ in the Bible. 1) Christ is the theme of both testaments. 2) Christ is the theme of each section of Scripture. 3) Christ centered themes are truths that are found in each of the sixty six books of the Bible. The overall picture in the Bible is the person of Jesus Christ. The Old Testament (OT) views the coming Christ by way of anticipation. The New Testament (NT) views Christ by way of visible realization The salvation prepared for in the OT was provided by Christ in the NT. What Hope commenced in the OT is completed in the NT. Matthew 1:21. Christ is the theme of each of the eight sections of the Bible.
1) THE LAW (Gen-Deut) is the foundation for the coming Christ. 2) History (Josh-Esther) Christ the King is to come through the chosen nation, His kingdom on earth had to be formed. His kingdom come, His will be done on earth as it is in heaven. 3) Poetry (Job-Song) While suffering and rejoicing His people aspired for communion with Christ. 4) Prophecy (Isaiah – Malachi) Prophets held out hope of national restoration by Christ. Remember that Moses led Israel out of bondage through the Red Sea, but it was Joshua who took the Israelites through the raging Jordan River into blessing. Moses symbolizes deliverance and Joshua symbolizes victory. 5) Gospels (Matt-John) In the gospels Christ was realized in the flesh. In Matthew Jesus
was made manifest in His sovereignty as King to the Jews. In John, Christ was manifest in His deity as God to the whole world. 6) History (Acts) The historical manifestation of the Holy Spirit and in Acts the worldwide propagation of Christ began in Jerusalem. 7) Epistles (Rom-Jude) Paul’s doctrinal epistles repeats the phrase “in Christ”. Romans is redemption “in Christ”. 11 Corin is the jubilation or victory “in Christ”. Galatians reveals emancipation “in Christ” Ephesians is the exaltation and unification “in Christ”. Phil declares the joy “in Christ”. Colo speaks of our completion “in Christ”. 1 Thess we experience an expectation “in Christ”. 11 Thess we discover a glorification “in Christ”. 1 Tim we are urged to faithfulness “in Christ”. 11 Tim we are reminded of the soundness “in Christ”. Titus we are admonished to a steadfastness “in Christ” Philemon reads of our benefit “in Christ”. 8) Prophecy (Rev) Reveals the
consummation of all things “in Christ” Through Christ all things were created and in Him all things are directed toward their final consummation. Christ is the beginning and the end, the Alpha and the Omega. The word prophet comes from the word meaning “to announce”. A prophet was God’s mouthpiece, or the chosen human instrument through which God declared His message to man. The broad meaning of prophecy is to forth-tell what God will do in the future. These supernatural predictions form one of the strongest evidences that the Bible is the Word of God. The prophets did not begin with Elijah or Samuel. The first prophecy was about the coming Messiah, the Christ and was given by God to Adam and Eve. (Genesis 3:15) Enoch, the descendant of Adam also prophesied about Christ’s coming. (Jude 14). Noah made predictions about his three sons (Gen 9:25-27) Abraham is called a “prophet” (Gen 20:7) and both Jacob and Joseph uttered prophecies (Gen 37:6 + Gen 49:10). Moses was considered a prophet (Deut 18:15) But Samuel started a school of the prophets (1 Sam 19:20). New Testament means ‘new covenant’, under which God forgives the ongoing unfaithfulness, mess ups, and wrong choices AKA sin of those who believe in Jesus Christ. The definition of covenant: The conditional promises made to humanity by God, as revealed in Scripture. God’s covenant with “us” who accept, believe and confess with our mouth that Jesus as Lord, we are saved, because His living Word, His promise to us is trustworthy, it is ever-lasting. God's unchanging hope for us is that we trust Him, and listen to what "the Spirit is saying" and obey! Hallelujah!
Sunday, September 11, 2016
Gratitude Attitude
Is the attitude of gratitude a useful asset? Does taking the time to list what you cherish worthwhile? In the midst of a trial is it wise to consider "what is the good, the value, the purpose of this?" Does complaining lift your spirit or the spirits of those around you? We all delight in and favor some people and experiences more than others. Do you delight more in the people that vent and complain, or in the people that tend to point out the positive and encourage us? Truly, most people are thankful for some things more than others, but have you honestly listed what you are authentically thankful for? God tells us in His living Word to "give thanks in all things". Obediently, have you thanked God for the
dismal days in which you were challenged to rise above the circumstance? Even after a horrible experience, positive people look for the good and proclaim it. Have you been thankful for the ears to hear and the ability to laugh and sing? How about being grateful for your sense of smell? Consider a world without color? Imagine if everyone had black hair, black eyes and black skin? What if all the trees were black, and all the fruit was black. Have you thanked God for the variety of color? It is easy to take a lot of our every day life for granted, but what if you did not have hands or fingers? We could not hug, we could not easily type, write or play the piano without hands and fingers. What
would the world be like without music or flowers? All movies would be in black and white without that background music which helps to set the tone and communicate during the expanse of a movie. Consider how singing effects your mood. Singing God bless America stirs many to think of victory, while singing the blues makes us reflect on times of sorrow. Some music makes our bodies sway and our toes tap and some loony lyrics make us laugh. The truth is God laughs and He sings over us and when we take the time to know our heavenly Father, we begin to understand the value of our relationship with Him and all that He has provided for our pleasure.
Listing and reviewing what I am thankful for...just before I celebrate my 65th year of living. Dear Lord Jesus, I am thankful for the husband the Lord chose for me. Why? Because Michael is a man after God's own heart and he honors me as his wife. Mike is patient with me, and he give me space as I require it. My husband treats me with kindness and calls me his German princess. Mike is generous in his desire to help around the house and he was willing to transplant himself in a foreign country. I am thankful that my husband enjoys my quirky ways and the faces I make. He is proud to introduce me and quick to want to please me. We share the same "purpose" in this life and that is to draw close to our Creator, to walk in obedience and to please God and be of service. I am thankful that God placed Michael in my life for His purposes, that we can be of service in our new community and laugh at the days to come. My list continues that I may add the little and the big things that I grateful for:
1) My salvation and the ability to communicate with God, my Father, Jesus the King of kings.
2) My eyes to see beauty, my ears to hear music, and my hands to hug, and keep busy
3) The parents that God chose for me, and the lessons I have learned through struggles
4) The children God knitted into my womb, and the awesome priviledge of being a mother
5) The experiences I have been given that have increased my compassion and mercy for others
6) The many people He placed in my path to love, to encourage and to help
7) The everpresent Holy Spirit, to lean on, call on, and trust in for decisions to be made
8) Nature, trees, sunsets, lakes, the ocean, animals, flowers and the majestic vistas to renew me
9) God's living Word and His guidance, mercy, grace and deliverance from evil
10) My final destination, heaven, and the reunion with Jesus and my beloved family members
dismal days in which you were challenged to rise above the circumstance? Even after a horrible experience, positive people look for the good and proclaim it. Have you been thankful for the ears to hear and the ability to laugh and sing? How about being grateful for your sense of smell? Consider a world without color? Imagine if everyone had black hair, black eyes and black skin? What if all the trees were black, and all the fruit was black. Have you thanked God for the variety of color? It is easy to take a lot of our every day life for granted, but what if you did not have hands or fingers? We could not hug, we could not easily type, write or play the piano without hands and fingers. What
would the world be like without music or flowers? All movies would be in black and white without that background music which helps to set the tone and communicate during the expanse of a movie. Consider how singing effects your mood. Singing God bless America stirs many to think of victory, while singing the blues makes us reflect on times of sorrow. Some music makes our bodies sway and our toes tap and some loony lyrics make us laugh. The truth is God laughs and He sings over us and when we take the time to know our heavenly Father, we begin to understand the value of our relationship with Him and all that He has provided for our pleasure.
Listing and reviewing what I am thankful for...just before I celebrate my 65th year of living. Dear Lord Jesus, I am thankful for the husband the Lord chose for me. Why? Because Michael is a man after God's own heart and he honors me as his wife. Mike is patient with me, and he give me space as I require it. My husband treats me with kindness and calls me his German princess. Mike is generous in his desire to help around the house and he was willing to transplant himself in a foreign country. I am thankful that my husband enjoys my quirky ways and the faces I make. He is proud to introduce me and quick to want to please me. We share the same "purpose" in this life and that is to draw close to our Creator, to walk in obedience and to please God and be of service. I am thankful that God placed Michael in my life for His purposes, that we can be of service in our new community and laugh at the days to come. My list continues that I may add the little and the big things that I grateful for:
1) My salvation and the ability to communicate with God, my Father, Jesus the King of kings.
2) My eyes to see beauty, my ears to hear music, and my hands to hug, and keep busy
3) The parents that God chose for me, and the lessons I have learned through struggles
4) The children God knitted into my womb, and the awesome priviledge of being a mother
5) The experiences I have been given that have increased my compassion and mercy for others
6) The many people He placed in my path to love, to encourage and to help
7) The everpresent Holy Spirit, to lean on, call on, and trust in for decisions to be made
8) Nature, trees, sunsets, lakes, the ocean, animals, flowers and the majestic vistas to renew me
9) God's living Word and His guidance, mercy, grace and deliverance from evil
10) My final destination, heaven, and the reunion with Jesus and my beloved family members
Thursday, September 8, 2016
Cross to Freedom
The following question is entirely relevant today. Who needs spiritual healing? Nations of people. However, most Christians or people of faith will deny that they need any spiritual healing because they have attended church and studied God's word for years. They believe that their soul is " just fine" That all wounding, all jealousy, envy, hatred, rejection, neglect, bitterness, self-doubt and unbelief have been confessed and healed. Jesus knows our hearts, minds, fears and individual soul needs better than we do. He died on the cross so that we could enjoy freedom in Him. The truth is IF a person shares an emotionally painful memory from their past, then Dr Mathais would say that some degree of anger or bitterness is present and our spiritual health is not what the Lord would hope for us. Wounds left unattended fester and spill out into our minds and we may deny it all we want, but when our tongue speaks intentional words to wound others, our spiritual wounds are making themselves known. Jan Hicks points out in her internationally effective book entitled
"Crossing to Freedom" we are all wounded in some way. You may have denied it for years, but if a wound is yet seeping, it will come to the surface in the form of jealousy, envy, or in feelings of inadequacy as we compare ourselves to others. The soul is wounded by Satan, for he is the thief, he is God's advesary, he is the Liar, he is the voice that gives us ample reason to be mad, angry, judgemental, critical. He is invisible, he is the temptor that is also known as the prince of the air. The one who lingers in the quiet of our thoughts to frustrate our peace as we feebly, in our own strength, keep silent when we feel tormented by raging thoughts to attack another with accusation and blame. Within the text of John 8:44 - Jesus told the self-righteous Jews, that they were indeed descendants of Abraham, but by their stubborn
behavior, Jesus told them that in their spirit, their father was NOT God, but the devil. These prideful Jews who studied scripture believed that they were RIGHT, they did not acknowledge Who Jesus was, because they insisted that they were scholars, and that they knew more than He. They argued with the living Word of God, with Jesus who knows the hearts and needs of all His sheep. With their hearts set against the Truth, with an attittude of spiritual superiority, their spiritual eyes remained closed as Jesus told them "Before Abraham was, I am". God used a doctor to make a clear declaration of the purpose of Jesus Christ. There are five statements of purpose in Luke 4:17-21. Those five reasons why Jesus came down from heaven to walk among a suffering people who were seeking a Savior are 1) To preach the good news to the poor in spirit. 2) To proclaim freedom to the prisoners, to the slaves of sin. 3) To recover the sight to the spiritually blind, to bring people out of denial and into the truth. 4) To release the oppressed, the downtrodden,
to those who carried the burden of shame, guilt, bitterness, resentment. 5) To proclaim the year of the Lord's favor. First of all God wants those who are broken to hear the truth. Secondly God wants us to know that we can find healing for our wounds. Thirdly, God wants us to "see" the truth about the wounds that Satan instilled in our minds against our family, our neighbors and ourselves. In regard to the Liar, our enemy, what does the Word of Jesus say about the power of Christ in Luke 10:18-21? "He replied, 'I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to
overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you. However, do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven. At that time Jesus, full of joy through the Holy Spirit, said 'I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because You have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children. Yes, Father for this was your good pleasure." In ther words, our pride prevents us from admitting that we need the authority of Jesus to overcome the enemy and receive a healing of our wounds. The simple minded believer receives power and authority, not necessarily the wise and learned, to overcome, to be healed. If we are to heal, according to scripture, we are to heal in the name of Jesus. If we teach that there is power to heal, we teach that this power comes from Jesus. God placed power in the name of
Jesus Christ for us to use as a weapon to use according to His will. The name of Jesus Christ will bring healing to our lives, and He receives all the honor and glory for what He accomplishes through our obedience to pray in His name. (Acts 2:38; Acts 3:6-7; Acts 4:10; Acts 9:27; Acts 10:47-48) All humans have a natural desire to resist change and to resist being told what to do. We mask our pain with a fake smile and pretend that we are "just fine" because we feel that we
cannot show any weakness. "He is strong, in our weakness" A man that was wounded physically and spiritually cried out in Job 14:1-9 "For there is hope in a tree....if it is cut down, it will sprout again, and that its tender shoots will not cease." The tree represents a man, and its tender shoots, its root, the seed of God planted within. That which is in us will not cease to seek outside itself, its own limited beliefs, its circumstances to tap into the living water, the Holy Spirit. "It will sprout again!" A man who has been cut down can be restored and bloom with much fruit. "This is to my Father's glory, that you bear much fruit." John 15:8 ~ As Christians we say that we trust God's will, His plan and His purpose for us. His word tells us that He came to set the captives free. God also says "We cannot heal a wound that we declare is not there." Is the joy of the Lord visible in your daily countenance? Do you look downtrodden? Do you attempt to conceal the truth with a smile? Pray this prayer. In the name of Jesus Christ,
Oh Father God, I give the Holy Spirit in me permission to reveal any area of woundedness that I am not aware of. Open my eyes Lord that I may see and allow You to heal any hurts so that I may be pure in mind, body, and soul. Restore my belief that I am already filled with the authority to trample on the enemy of my soul. In Jesus name, AMEN ~ Repeat this blessing to your spirit. "To my spirit, I bless you with a profound reconciliation to God and His purpose, that my soul be totally healed. I bless my spirit with the full illumination of scripture. I bless my spirit with the joy of speaking with God's authority and sending Satan back to hell. I bless my soul with the ability to see good in what man or beast meant for harm. I bless my spirit with the joy of personally experiencing God daily. I bless my spirit in the name of El Shaddai, my all sufficient Father that I be a reflection of His glorious light in dark places. I bless my spirit with the truth of the divine nature of Yahweh and His immense love for all people. I highly recommend that you read the post below entitled "Who is Jan Hicks". Her supernatural healing and transformation will give you hope in what He can accomplish through one healed soul. A great book entitled "Daily Spirit Blessings" by Sylvia Gunter is great for restoring the truth and displacing the lies of the one who seeks to destroy us..
"Crossing to Freedom" we are all wounded in some way. You may have denied it for years, but if a wound is yet seeping, it will come to the surface in the form of jealousy, envy, or in feelings of inadequacy as we compare ourselves to others. The soul is wounded by Satan, for he is the thief, he is God's advesary, he is the Liar, he is the voice that gives us ample reason to be mad, angry, judgemental, critical. He is invisible, he is the temptor that is also known as the prince of the air. The one who lingers in the quiet of our thoughts to frustrate our peace as we feebly, in our own strength, keep silent when we feel tormented by raging thoughts to attack another with accusation and blame. Within the text of John 8:44 - Jesus told the self-righteous Jews, that they were indeed descendants of Abraham, but by their stubborn
behavior, Jesus told them that in their spirit, their father was NOT God, but the devil. These prideful Jews who studied scripture believed that they were RIGHT, they did not acknowledge Who Jesus was, because they insisted that they were scholars, and that they knew more than He. They argued with the living Word of God, with Jesus who knows the hearts and needs of all His sheep. With their hearts set against the Truth, with an attittude of spiritual superiority, their spiritual eyes remained closed as Jesus told them "Before Abraham was, I am". God used a doctor to make a clear declaration of the purpose of Jesus Christ. There are five statements of purpose in Luke 4:17-21. Those five reasons why Jesus came down from heaven to walk among a suffering people who were seeking a Savior are 1) To preach the good news to the poor in spirit. 2) To proclaim freedom to the prisoners, to the slaves of sin. 3) To recover the sight to the spiritually blind, to bring people out of denial and into the truth. 4) To release the oppressed, the downtrodden,
to those who carried the burden of shame, guilt, bitterness, resentment. 5) To proclaim the year of the Lord's favor. First of all God wants those who are broken to hear the truth. Secondly God wants us to know that we can find healing for our wounds. Thirdly, God wants us to "see" the truth about the wounds that Satan instilled in our minds against our family, our neighbors and ourselves. In regard to the Liar, our enemy, what does the Word of Jesus say about the power of Christ in Luke 10:18-21? "He replied, 'I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to
overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you. However, do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven. At that time Jesus, full of joy through the Holy Spirit, said 'I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because You have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children. Yes, Father for this was your good pleasure." In ther words, our pride prevents us from admitting that we need the authority of Jesus to overcome the enemy and receive a healing of our wounds. The simple minded believer receives power and authority, not necessarily the wise and learned, to overcome, to be healed. If we are to heal, according to scripture, we are to heal in the name of Jesus. If we teach that there is power to heal, we teach that this power comes from Jesus. God placed power in the name of
Jesus Christ for us to use as a weapon to use according to His will. The name of Jesus Christ will bring healing to our lives, and He receives all the honor and glory for what He accomplishes through our obedience to pray in His name. (Acts 2:38; Acts 3:6-7; Acts 4:10; Acts 9:27; Acts 10:47-48) All humans have a natural desire to resist change and to resist being told what to do. We mask our pain with a fake smile and pretend that we are "just fine" because we feel that we
cannot show any weakness. "He is strong, in our weakness" A man that was wounded physically and spiritually cried out in Job 14:1-9 "For there is hope in a tree....if it is cut down, it will sprout again, and that its tender shoots will not cease." The tree represents a man, and its tender shoots, its root, the seed of God planted within. That which is in us will not cease to seek outside itself, its own limited beliefs, its circumstances to tap into the living water, the Holy Spirit. "It will sprout again!" A man who has been cut down can be restored and bloom with much fruit. "This is to my Father's glory, that you bear much fruit." John 15:8 ~ As Christians we say that we trust God's will, His plan and His purpose for us. His word tells us that He came to set the captives free. God also says "We cannot heal a wound that we declare is not there." Is the joy of the Lord visible in your daily countenance? Do you look downtrodden? Do you attempt to conceal the truth with a smile? Pray this prayer. In the name of Jesus Christ,
Oh Father God, I give the Holy Spirit in me permission to reveal any area of woundedness that I am not aware of. Open my eyes Lord that I may see and allow You to heal any hurts so that I may be pure in mind, body, and soul. Restore my belief that I am already filled with the authority to trample on the enemy of my soul. In Jesus name, AMEN ~ Repeat this blessing to your spirit. "To my spirit, I bless you with a profound reconciliation to God and His purpose, that my soul be totally healed. I bless my spirit with the full illumination of scripture. I bless my spirit with the joy of speaking with God's authority and sending Satan back to hell. I bless my soul with the ability to see good in what man or beast meant for harm. I bless my spirit with the joy of personally experiencing God daily. I bless my spirit in the name of El Shaddai, my all sufficient Father that I be a reflection of His glorious light in dark places. I bless my spirit with the truth of the divine nature of Yahweh and His immense love for all people. I highly recommend that you read the post below entitled "Who is Jan Hicks". Her supernatural healing and transformation will give you hope in what He can accomplish through one healed soul. A great book entitled "Daily Spirit Blessings" by Sylvia Gunter is great for restoring the truth and displacing the lies of the one who seeks to destroy us..
Wednesday, September 7, 2016
Prepare to be Healed
Do you have stress in your life? That is a crazy question because we all have stress! To uncover the root cause of stress I highly recommend taking the time to read Jan Hick's book "Crossing to Freedom" Jan and many other Christian leaders teach together at the annual Wellspring Ministry Conference at YWAM here at Lakeside. IF we want to pick up our mat and walk in the freedom that Jesus Christ offers we must be obedient to His inner nudge. Click here: Pray with Others "For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.” Matthew 18:18-19 "How long shall I bear with you? Bring him here to Me.” And Jesus rebuked the demon, and it came out of him; and the child was cured from that very hour. “ Matthew 17:17 NKJ - JUST DO IT, read this article in its entirety - “Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do,
he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father. And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask anything in My name, I will do it.” John 14:12 NKJ “Let not your heart be troubled, you believe in God, believe also in Me.” … Jesus said to him “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” John 14:1-6 NKJ Dear heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus, I give you permission to examine my heart for any wicked way and I covenant with You that when You reveal a wicked way, or any confused or perverse thought, that I will repent and ask for Your forgiveness. I set aside this time for You and ask that the Holy Spirit
be in charge. In the name of Jesus, I bind all evil spirits and render them powerless to interfere with the restoration of my soul to purity. Lord Jesus I desire that our intimacy be joy filled, I invite you Holy Spirit to prick my conscious to make me aware of anything that is not from You. In the name of Jesus, I come before you with a humble heart, full of thanks because Your plan included that ALL my sins were to be paid in full on the cross. Satan, in the name of my Lord Jesus Christ, and by the power of His blood, I cancel all of Satan’s power and authority over me and I legally and forever bind the spirits of deception, lying, false accusation
and confusion! Today, in Jesus name and by the power of His blood, I pronounce that I will never again fall victim to the attempts made for these spirits to enter and destroy my intimacy with my Lord Jesus because I refuse to be offended. Lord Jesus I ask that You help me to love myself, and ALL my neighbors as You love me, with forgiveness, mercy and grace. Heavenly Father, in the name of the Lord Jesus, and as an act of my free will, I confess, repent, and renounce any pride or rebellion that is in me, or operating in my life, and in all my generations, clear back to Adam. Holy Spirit, heal my heart and mind. I ask You Lord Jesus to forgive me for any bitterness and any unforgiveness that I hold towards those who have offended me. Forgive me and all my generations for resisting the full power of Your written Word. I release myself from the religious spirit in me and ask the Holy Spirit to seal me with the Truth, according to Thy will and power. Holy Spirit please speak your words of truth to me for I am humble, receptive and listening.
he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father. And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask anything in My name, I will do it.” John 14:12 NKJ “Let not your heart be troubled, you believe in God, believe also in Me.” … Jesus said to him “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” John 14:1-6 NKJ Dear heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus, I give you permission to examine my heart for any wicked way and I covenant with You that when You reveal a wicked way, or any confused or perverse thought, that I will repent and ask for Your forgiveness. I set aside this time for You and ask that the Holy Spirit
and confusion! Today, in Jesus name and by the power of His blood, I pronounce that I will never again fall victim to the attempts made for these spirits to enter and destroy my intimacy with my Lord Jesus because I refuse to be offended. Lord Jesus I ask that You help me to love myself, and ALL my neighbors as You love me, with forgiveness, mercy and grace. Heavenly Father, in the name of the Lord Jesus, and as an act of my free will, I confess, repent, and renounce any pride or rebellion that is in me, or operating in my life, and in all my generations, clear back to Adam. Holy Spirit, heal my heart and mind. I ask You Lord Jesus to forgive me for any bitterness and any unforgiveness that I hold towards those who have offended me. Forgive me and all my generations for resisting the full power of Your written Word. I release myself from the religious spirit in me and ask the Holy Spirit to seal me with the Truth, according to Thy will and power. Holy Spirit please speak your words of truth to me for I am humble, receptive and listening.
Thursday, September 1, 2016
Craving Change
pay attention to our cravings and then apply a plan of action or a success strategy. For me, the year 2016 has been a year which included several unexpected changes which resulted in a wild ride of roller coaster emotions. I live in Mexico and it was necessary to suddenly travel to the USA twice in two months. In March my mother died, and then in April my son took his last breath. Death, travel, and meeting up with family are all stressful triggers that cause most people to eat volumes of comfort foods. Today at Lighten Up I learned about the three different triggers that cause us to sabotage our very best
intentions to live a healthy life. 1) Tabu Food Triggers. When we begin to have an unstoppable craving for a tabu food, we are wise to stop and consider WHY we want to eat that which will not add any benefit to our life. Am I FEELING: Hungry? Anxious? Bored? Isolated? Tired? Make it a HABIT to be conscious of our food intake. Most people have tabu foods that cause them to eat beyond dietary satisfaction. Mine happens to be carrot cake. A slice is okay, but a whole carrot cake in my house is not allowed. For some it is a bag of chips, and they literally know they cannot just eat one. 2) Enviromental Triggers. There are also certain places that cause us to put more than a healthy portion of food in the tank. For some the trigger to over indulge may be at the movie theater, a family reunion, or a buffet. 3) Feeling/Emotional Triggers. Is this emotional eating?
Am I feeling sad, depressed, stressed, bored, anxious, or angry due to life not going according to my plan? These are emotions that often cause us to binge on comfort foods. What I learned today is that there are triggers to avoid, and triggers to seek out. If we crave changing the way we feel about ourselves, or change how much we weigh, we must find meaning in the tragedy’s that will occur in this life, and we must cultivate optimism. In June of 2016 I was just laying around the house feeling sad and I craved change! So I felt compelled from within to seek out and find a positive environment that would allow me to spend quality
time with encouraging people. Serendipitously, in that same week I just happened to bump into Donna Williams who was wearing a colorful “Sit Fit” shirt and I stopped her to ask “what is Sit Fit?” I met Donna and her 87 year young mother Anita the following Monday and I have been attending three times a week ever since. The change in my environment, the physical exercise to upbeat music, the positive attendants, and our passionate instructor all contributed to a remarkable increase in my hope for the future and my energy level. My success strategy also includes attending the "Lighten Up" meetings and a Spanish class weekly. It is a positive remedy to the boredom I was experiencing at home, and the information we get weekly is positively inspiring! As our leader suggested, to live “IN CONTROL” of our food and emotions, we must organize our battle plan or we will lose the war on food, feelings and environmental triggers! Also, as a student, I am excited to make my gratitude list and mail out some sincere thanks!
Saturday, July 30, 2016
Give Me Patience
The Bible
uses many terms for patience: waiting on, longsuffering, steadfastness,
endurance. These words all have slight connotative differences, but they all speak
of patience in some form. The Greek word usually translated as patient means to
abide under difficult circumstances that you have no control over, while the
Greek word for long suffering relates to an emotional quietness in the face of
unfavorable circumstances. They both pertain to times when things are difficult
for you. These are times when we want a resolution to some problem but God
tells us to wait. Most of us want patience, but we want it right now. One woman
advises us to be ready when we pray for patience because our child might call
shortly and ask us to keep the preschool grandchildren for a week while she
attends a conference. The
indicated that we should be patient when we pray. “I waited patiently for God to help me;
then he listened and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the pit of despair, out
from the bog and the quicksand, and set my feet on a hard, firm path, and
steadied me as I walked along. He has given me a new song to sing, of
praises to our God. Now many will hear of the glorious things he did for me,
and stand in awe before the Lord, and put their trust in him” Psalm
40:1-3 TLB When we wait patiently on God, our Lord
lifts us out of the sinking sand of the world's approved ways and He gives us a new song of praise.
Satan traps us by making sin seem innocent and normal just because the whole world celebrates the human right to act independently. Jesus pulled us out of the quicksand of sin and placed us on a rock solid path clothed in His righteousness. When we pray for our kids and grandkids we can take a lesson from the Psalmist. While we pray, we need to wait patiently on God. People tend to be impatient when praying for the salvation of those they love. One woman prayed for her husband David’s salvation faithfully for many years. David died suddenly of a heart attack. His wife mourned that her prayers had never been answered. She became angry at God and her faith became weak. A year later, her phone rang and the person on the other end asked to speak to David. She told him that David had died a year ago that day. He asked her if he could take her to lunch and tell her a story about her husband. She agreed. The man said he gave David a ride to the airport after a convention they attended together the week before he died. On the way, he told the man about Jesus. He prayed in the car and gave his heart to God. The woman’s prayers were answered, even though she was unaware of the answer. We are told to pray with thanksgiving and to trust that God hear our prayers and that He is in control. One of my favorite verses about patience is “Don’t be impatient. Wait for the Lord, and he will come and save you! Be brave, stouthearted, and courageous. Yes, wait and he will help you.” Psalm 27:14
TLB. When we wait upon God, He will strengthen our heart and give us courage. Women tend to be emotional beings, and in the Bible, the heart is the seat of the emotions. So God will calm our emotions as he gives us the strength we need. Once when I was a young mother and going through a difficult week with three preschool boys, one of the verses we studied in church training was this verse from Psalms. It spoke to me then and I committed it to memory. God has brought it to mind many times since then when I was faced with difficult circumstances that were beyond my control. Our next verse tells us why it is important to wait on God. “For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord. They are plans for good and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.” Jeremiah 29:11 TLB Our Lord God knows the bigger picture of our life. His plan is to give us a future and a hope that is everlasting. Have you ever looked at a large wall hanging up close and wondered what the design was, only to stand back and be amazed at the picture that emerges when you can see the whole thing? According to this verse the result of patience is
HOPE. The day after we found out that our 16 year-old son was gay, I was wondering around in a fog, not knowing what I should or could do. I walked by a computer. The screen saver on the computer was this verse. Immediately I understood that I couldn’t do anything but wait on God. He had a plan for my son that I didn’t know anything about. I printed the verse and gave it to Caleb. Then I started a prayer vigil that has lasted for 22 years now. He lives in Guadalajara. God has brought us back into his immediate sphere of influence. He and his partner have been to hear Wayne preach at the English Fellowship of Guadalajara three times. Over the years, my patience has waxed and waned. Whenever I tire of waiting and my patience is at a low, God sends someone or something to encourage me. During a woman’s bible study in Chapala, I sat next to a woman named Barbara who told us about how she prayed for her son Jason’s salvation for over 25 years. Just six months before Jason died, he moved out of a dark place and returned to his church and got baptized. That is just the latest example of God reminding me to be patient. “But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.” Isaiah 40:31
TLB . This verse is translated either as those who hope in the Lord or as those who wait on the Lord, depending on the translation. As we wait upon the Lord and His timing, our strength will be renewed. Instead of stumbling along on weak legs, as though we have no faith in God, we will soar above our circumstances like Eagles and we will not become weary. I wrote my first Biblical fiction book, Dinah in the early 1990’s when we were missionaries in Canada. I believed God was leading me to write it. I let several of my friends read it. Then life intervened. I kept my printed copy of the book. Over the years, I let women read it from time to time. I even sent it to a couple of
publishers. I have the rejection letters to prove it. In 1997, we left Canada and moved back to Louisiana. After a couple of years, I went to work for a Newspaper. My editor was lamenting one day that newspapers no longer serialized books as they had in the early days of the nation. I took him a copy of my book and offered to let him serialize it in our small local daily. He and his wife read Dinah. They decided that serializing it would be a good idea. So Dinah was published in a secular newspaper in the Sunday edition. There was a demand for the book in the community, so I self-published it. I put a copy in the local state prison library because one of the readers who wrote to me about the serialized version was incarcerated. When I eventually went to work at that prison, I met the man who had been reading Dinah. Today Dinah is available on Wattpad, a free site on the Internet. I am praying that God will use my books to reach those He draws near. God had me write the book about 15 years ago and it has not taken any of the traditional avenues that books usually travel. God has the story of Dinah in a second venue where it is possible to reach the backslidden or the unsaved. I’ve definitely been running the race without tiring in my belief that God had me write the book and that he is going to use it. I may not know who was touched by that book or the others that I’ve written until I get to
Heaven. The scriptures point out numerous situations in which Christians should be patient. We don’t have time to explore them fully, but some of the situations mentioned include in our speech (James 1:19), in our interaction with others (Ephesians 4:2), when we are psychologically wounded and need to offer forgiveness (Colossians 3:13), and when we are tested (James 1:3). Let me conclude the section on patience with James 5:11: “We consider those blessed who remained steadfast. You have heard of the steadfastness of Job, and you have seen the purpose of the Lord, how the Lord is compassionate and merciful.” Job is the example given here of a patient man, one who persevered through truly overwhelming circumstances. Even when he doubted and questioned God, God demonstrated patience, compassion and mercy. As you can probably tell by my examples, this is one fruit that God has been trying for a long time to build into my life. -- This teaching on Patience was written by Andi Cook. Andi is a pastors daughter, a wife of a pastor, and a loving mother of three sons. Andi also graduated from seminary and has published several books. The next Fruit: Kindness.
Satan traps us by making sin seem innocent and normal just because the whole world celebrates the human right to act independently. Jesus pulled us out of the quicksand of sin and placed us on a rock solid path clothed in His righteousness. When we pray for our kids and grandkids we can take a lesson from the Psalmist. While we pray, we need to wait patiently on God. People tend to be impatient when praying for the salvation of those they love. One woman prayed for her husband David’s salvation faithfully for many years. David died suddenly of a heart attack. His wife mourned that her prayers had never been answered. She became angry at God and her faith became weak. A year later, her phone rang and the person on the other end asked to speak to David. She told him that David had died a year ago that day. He asked her if he could take her to lunch and tell her a story about her husband. She agreed. The man said he gave David a ride to the airport after a convention they attended together the week before he died. On the way, he told the man about Jesus. He prayed in the car and gave his heart to God. The woman’s prayers were answered, even though she was unaware of the answer. We are told to pray with thanksgiving and to trust that God hear our prayers and that He is in control. One of my favorite verses about patience is “Don’t be impatient. Wait for the Lord, and he will come and save you! Be brave, stouthearted, and courageous. Yes, wait and he will help you.” Psalm 27:14
TLB. When we wait upon God, He will strengthen our heart and give us courage. Women tend to be emotional beings, and in the Bible, the heart is the seat of the emotions. So God will calm our emotions as he gives us the strength we need. Once when I was a young mother and going through a difficult week with three preschool boys, one of the verses we studied in church training was this verse from Psalms. It spoke to me then and I committed it to memory. God has brought it to mind many times since then when I was faced with difficult circumstances that were beyond my control. Our next verse tells us why it is important to wait on God. “For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord. They are plans for good and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.” Jeremiah 29:11 TLB Our Lord God knows the bigger picture of our life. His plan is to give us a future and a hope that is everlasting. Have you ever looked at a large wall hanging up close and wondered what the design was, only to stand back and be amazed at the picture that emerges when you can see the whole thing? According to this verse the result of patience is
HOPE. The day after we found out that our 16 year-old son was gay, I was wondering around in a fog, not knowing what I should or could do. I walked by a computer. The screen saver on the computer was this verse. Immediately I understood that I couldn’t do anything but wait on God. He had a plan for my son that I didn’t know anything about. I printed the verse and gave it to Caleb. Then I started a prayer vigil that has lasted for 22 years now. He lives in Guadalajara. God has brought us back into his immediate sphere of influence. He and his partner have been to hear Wayne preach at the English Fellowship of Guadalajara three times. Over the years, my patience has waxed and waned. Whenever I tire of waiting and my patience is at a low, God sends someone or something to encourage me. During a woman’s bible study in Chapala, I sat next to a woman named Barbara who told us about how she prayed for her son Jason’s salvation for over 25 years. Just six months before Jason died, he moved out of a dark place and returned to his church and got baptized. That is just the latest example of God reminding me to be patient. “But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.” Isaiah 40:31
TLB . This verse is translated either as those who hope in the Lord or as those who wait on the Lord, depending on the translation. As we wait upon the Lord and His timing, our strength will be renewed. Instead of stumbling along on weak legs, as though we have no faith in God, we will soar above our circumstances like Eagles and we will not become weary. I wrote my first Biblical fiction book, Dinah in the early 1990’s when we were missionaries in Canada. I believed God was leading me to write it. I let several of my friends read it. Then life intervened. I kept my printed copy of the book. Over the years, I let women read it from time to time. I even sent it to a couple of
publishers. I have the rejection letters to prove it. In 1997, we left Canada and moved back to Louisiana. After a couple of years, I went to work for a Newspaper. My editor was lamenting one day that newspapers no longer serialized books as they had in the early days of the nation. I took him a copy of my book and offered to let him serialize it in our small local daily. He and his wife read Dinah. They decided that serializing it would be a good idea. So Dinah was published in a secular newspaper in the Sunday edition. There was a demand for the book in the community, so I self-published it. I put a copy in the local state prison library because one of the readers who wrote to me about the serialized version was incarcerated. When I eventually went to work at that prison, I met the man who had been reading Dinah. Today Dinah is available on Wattpad, a free site on the Internet. I am praying that God will use my books to reach those He draws near. God had me write the book about 15 years ago and it has not taken any of the traditional avenues that books usually travel. God has the story of Dinah in a second venue where it is possible to reach the backslidden or the unsaved. I’ve definitely been running the race without tiring in my belief that God had me write the book and that he is going to use it. I may not know who was touched by that book or the others that I’ve written until I get to
Heaven. The scriptures point out numerous situations in which Christians should be patient. We don’t have time to explore them fully, but some of the situations mentioned include in our speech (James 1:19), in our interaction with others (Ephesians 4:2), when we are psychologically wounded and need to offer forgiveness (Colossians 3:13), and when we are tested (James 1:3). Let me conclude the section on patience with James 5:11: “We consider those blessed who remained steadfast. You have heard of the steadfastness of Job, and you have seen the purpose of the Lord, how the Lord is compassionate and merciful.” Job is the example given here of a patient man, one who persevered through truly overwhelming circumstances. Even when he doubted and questioned God, God demonstrated patience, compassion and mercy. As you can probably tell by my examples, this is one fruit that God has been trying for a long time to build into my life. -- This teaching on Patience was written by Andi Cook. Andi is a pastors daughter, a wife of a pastor, and a loving mother of three sons. Andi also graduated from seminary and has published several books. The next Fruit: Kindness.
Friday, July 29, 2016
Inexplicable Peace
In the Old Testament, the
priestly blessing included peace. “May the Lord bless you and keep you, May he
make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you. May the Lord turn his
face toward you and give you peace.” Numbers 6: 24- 26 In this
context, peace is the absence of anxiety. Peace seems almost to be a companion to joy. “May God, the source of hope, fill you with
all joy and peace by means of your faith in him, so that your hope will
continue to grow by the power of the Holy Spirit.” Romans
15:13 In this verse God
tells us how to obtain peace. As we surrender our will and ways, we trust the
Spirit within to fill us with joy and peace. “You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you..” Isaiah 26:3 ESV By keeping your purpose to honor God firm, and by placing your trust in God and His superior plan for your life, our Lord gives perfect peace and our mind is washed of angst. “For to set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace.” Romans 8:6 ESV. We are warned to not set our minds on the flesh lest we stray from His way to our selfish, anxious ways. Speaking the Word of God out loud, allows God to govern our mind and usher in His peace. Anxiety seems to be a prevailing malady in our world. Psychiatrists prescribe medication to those overcome with anxiety. Counselors talk with anxious people about the source of their anxiety. Some Christian counselors specialize in dealing with anxiety. When anxiety is the result of a chemical imbalance, pills can help and no one should feel bad about seeking help. As
humans it helps to have someone with skin on to talk to when you’re feeling anxious. God wants to take away our anxiety. “do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7 ESV. When we feel anxious we are told to pray with thanksgiving to God and His peace will guard our hearts and minds. Keep a journal of when you prayed with thanksgiving about your concerns. Keep a running list of answered prayers that you may be reminded of how God responds to your personal anxious thoughts with His peace that surpasses
all human understanding. “You chart the path ahead of me and tell me where to stop and rest. Every moment you know where I am…. Search me, O God, and know my heart; test my thoughts’ Psalm 139:3-23 TLB When you lack peace, pray this verse to God. When you do, be prepared for God to bring things to mind that you need to surrender to Him. “You cannot serve two masters: God and money. For you will hate one and love the other, or else the other way around. “So my counsel is: Don’t worry about things—food, drink, and clothes. For you already have life and a body—and they are far more important
than what to eat and wear. Look at the birds! They don’t worry about what to eat—they don’t need to sow or reap or store up food—for your heavenly Father feeds them. And you are far more valuable to him than they are. Will all your worries add a single moment to your life? ...... And if God cares so wonderfully for flowers that are here today and gone tomorrow, won’t he more surely care for you, O men of little faith? “So don’t worry at all about having enough food and clothing. Why be like the heathen? For they take pride in all these things and are deeply concerned about them. But your heavenly Father already knows perfectly well that you need them, and he will give them to you if you give him first place in your life and live as he wants you to. “So don’t be anxious about tomorrow. God will take care of your tomorrow too. Live one
day at a time.” Matthew 6:24-34 TLB. "Whoever follows Jesus will never walk in darkness, but will have the Light of life." John 8:12 --- To have is to possess, and as believing followers of Jesus, we have the Light of life, the Holy Spirit to keep us, guide us and lead us in His ways. --- We as mothers often feel like it is our job to worry about the daily routine of our lives and how things will get accomplished. If it looks like our funds may not meet the needs of our family, we tend to become anxious. THEREFORE God tells us that we cannot serve God and money. He is telling us not to let material needs overpower our trust in God. “I have told you all this so that you will have peace of heart and mind. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows; but cheer up, for I have overcome the world.” John 16:33 TLB. As we believe in Jesus and trust Him with our future, we can we have inexplicable peace even while the world appears to be going to hell in a hand basket. A teaching by Andi Cook on the Fruit of the Spirit. Andi is a pastors daughter, a wife of a pastor, and a loving mother of three sons. Andi also graduated from seminary and she has published several books on WATTPAD. Andi is gifted by God to write and you will be blessed by reading her books. COMING SOON is the Fruit of Patience.
Spirit within to fill us with joy and peace. “You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you..” Isaiah 26:3 ESV By keeping your purpose to honor God firm, and by placing your trust in God and His superior plan for your life, our Lord gives perfect peace and our mind is washed of angst. “For to set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace.” Romans 8:6 ESV. We are warned to not set our minds on the flesh lest we stray from His way to our selfish, anxious ways. Speaking the Word of God out loud, allows God to govern our mind and usher in His peace. Anxiety seems to be a prevailing malady in our world. Psychiatrists prescribe medication to those overcome with anxiety. Counselors talk with anxious people about the source of their anxiety. Some Christian counselors specialize in dealing with anxiety. When anxiety is the result of a chemical imbalance, pills can help and no one should feel bad about seeking help. As
humans it helps to have someone with skin on to talk to when you’re feeling anxious. God wants to take away our anxiety. “do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7 ESV. When we feel anxious we are told to pray with thanksgiving to God and His peace will guard our hearts and minds. Keep a journal of when you prayed with thanksgiving about your concerns. Keep a running list of answered prayers that you may be reminded of how God responds to your personal anxious thoughts with His peace that surpasses
all human understanding. “You chart the path ahead of me and tell me where to stop and rest. Every moment you know where I am…. Search me, O God, and know my heart; test my thoughts’ Psalm 139:3-23 TLB When you lack peace, pray this verse to God. When you do, be prepared for God to bring things to mind that you need to surrender to Him. “You cannot serve two masters: God and money. For you will hate one and love the other, or else the other way around. “So my counsel is: Don’t worry about things—food, drink, and clothes. For you already have life and a body—and they are far more important
than what to eat and wear. Look at the birds! They don’t worry about what to eat—they don’t need to sow or reap or store up food—for your heavenly Father feeds them. And you are far more valuable to him than they are. Will all your worries add a single moment to your life? ...... And if God cares so wonderfully for flowers that are here today and gone tomorrow, won’t he more surely care for you, O men of little faith? “So don’t worry at all about having enough food and clothing. Why be like the heathen? For they take pride in all these things and are deeply concerned about them. But your heavenly Father already knows perfectly well that you need them, and he will give them to you if you give him first place in your life and live as he wants you to. “So don’t be anxious about tomorrow. God will take care of your tomorrow too. Live one
day at a time.” Matthew 6:24-34 TLB. "Whoever follows Jesus will never walk in darkness, but will have the Light of life." John 8:12 --- To have is to possess, and as believing followers of Jesus, we have the Light of life, the Holy Spirit to keep us, guide us and lead us in His ways. --- We as mothers often feel like it is our job to worry about the daily routine of our lives and how things will get accomplished. If it looks like our funds may not meet the needs of our family, we tend to become anxious. THEREFORE God tells us that we cannot serve God and money. He is telling us not to let material needs overpower our trust in God. “I have told you all this so that you will have peace of heart and mind. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows; but cheer up, for I have overcome the world.” John 16:33 TLB. As we believe in Jesus and trust Him with our future, we can we have inexplicable peace even while the world appears to be going to hell in a hand basket. A teaching by Andi Cook on the Fruit of the Spirit. Andi is a pastors daughter, a wife of a pastor, and a loving mother of three sons. Andi also graduated from seminary and she has published several books on WATTPAD. Andi is gifted by God to write and you will be blessed by reading her books. COMING SOON is the Fruit of Patience.
Monday, July 25, 2016
Unlimited Joy
What comes to mind when you hear the word joy? The dictionary defines joy
as the emotion of great delight or happiness caused by something exceptionally
good or satisfying; keen pleasure; elation. The Greek word translated joy is
defined as a state of mind and an orientation of the heart that is a settled
state of contentment, confidence and hope. This differs from what most people
think about when he/she hears the word joy. To have biblical JOY means that you
have such a confidence and hope as a result of your relationship with Jesus
that you experience contentment no matter what your circumstance. Thus Paul was able to maintain his joy in prison. He wrote in
Philippians 4:11-12 “I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound.” Most of the Psalms were written by King David long before Jesus walked on this earth, yet he claims joy. What on earth could be the source of King David’s joy as he was targeted to be killed? David believed in God and he marveled at all of creation. Today, just like King David, Christians face many hardships, however, because we know that this life is temporary, we rely on the HOPE that God has given us! The anchor of confident HOPE for our soul is that our future is with Him eternally in heaven. Jeremiah was known as the weeping prophet. Yet even this reluctant man experienced great joy. What gave Jeremiah joy was the word of God. When we struggle to
embrace our reality, God has given us His Word so that we can tap into the ever present joy ‘in’ the Lord. “Your words were found, and I ate them; and Your words were to me a joy and the rejoicing of my heart, for I am called by Your name, O Lord God of hosts.” Jeremiah 15:16 -- The Source of our joy as a Christian comes from the love of Jesus Christ. By His grace we are enabled to keep our thoughts and actions in alignment with His Word and His joy is made complete in us! WOW! –“ I have loved you, just as the Father has loved Me; abide in My love, continue in His love with Me. If you keep My commandments; if you continue to obey My instructions,
you will abide in My love and live on in it, just as I have obeyed My Father’s commandments and live on in His love. I have told you these things, that My joy and delight may be in you, and that your joy and gladness may be of full measure and complete and overflowing.” John 15:9-11 AMP --- Is it easy to lose our joy when we fill our ears with world news? What happens to our level of joy when we fail to take time for a relationship with God? Does a Christian’s ability to praise God in every situation become weak if they choose to disobey God? “ A joyful heart helps healing, but a broken spirit dries up the bones. “ Proverbs 17:22 CEB -- King Solomon wrote most of the Proverbs. Humbly Solomon asked God for wisdom and God granted him extraordinary knowledge that we get to read, memorize and lodge in our hearts. Abiding in His word, we find this remarkable wisdom! That a joyful heart is good for us physically, emotionally and spiritually! How can a person be joyous in the midst of a trial like Cancer, or losing a loved one? “Consider it nothing but joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you fall into various trials. Be assured that the testing of your faith, through experience, produces
endurance which leads to spiritual maturity, and inner peace. And let endurance have its perfect result and do a thorough work, so that you may be perfect and completely developed in your faith, lacking in nothing…” James 1:2-4 AMP – Many mothers sow with tears as they pray for their children. As a mother, when I talk about the current spiritual state of my children, I shed tears because I am an emotional being. Those tears don’t mean I’ve given up on God redeeming my boys. It means that when I talk to God or other Christians about them, I am sowing tears of hope. “They who sow in tears shall reap with joyful singing.”
Psalm 126:5 --- When we grieve, it is entirely possible to experience joy in the process. “You will be sorrowful, but your sorrow will be turned into joy.” John 16:20 AMP -- Unbelievers grieve differently because they do not have the HOPE we cling to. How does Christian grief differ from worldly grief? Barbara Hoyle chronicles her journey with God and whatever spiritual insights God impressed upon her on a post entitled "Good Grief" within this blog. Her son suddenly died in April of 2016 and Barb wrote a very insightful article on how she found joy in the midst of her grief over the loss of Jason. “Now we do not want you to be uninformed, believers, about those who are asleep in death, so that you will not grieve for them as the others do who have no hope beyond this present life.” 1 Thessalonians
4:13 -- What should you do when you find joy is missing from your life? Don’t let Satan lie to you like I did when I first found out my sons were straying from their Christian upbringing. He told me that if I couldn’t get my sons to love God, I had no business teaching the Bible or leading in worship through singing. --A teaching by Andi Cook on the Fruit of the Spirit. Andi is a pastors daughter, a wife of a pastor, and a loving mother of three sons. Andi also graduated from seminary and she has published several books on WATTPAD. Andi is gifted by God to write and you will be blessed by reading her books. COMING SOON is the Fruit of Peace.
Philippians 4:11-12 “I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound.” Most of the Psalms were written by King David long before Jesus walked on this earth, yet he claims joy. What on earth could be the source of King David’s joy as he was targeted to be killed? David believed in God and he marveled at all of creation. Today, just like King David, Christians face many hardships, however, because we know that this life is temporary, we rely on the HOPE that God has given us! The anchor of confident HOPE for our soul is that our future is with Him eternally in heaven. Jeremiah was known as the weeping prophet. Yet even this reluctant man experienced great joy. What gave Jeremiah joy was the word of God. When we struggle to
embrace our reality, God has given us His Word so that we can tap into the ever present joy ‘in’ the Lord. “Your words were found, and I ate them; and Your words were to me a joy and the rejoicing of my heart, for I am called by Your name, O Lord God of hosts.” Jeremiah 15:16 -- The Source of our joy as a Christian comes from the love of Jesus Christ. By His grace we are enabled to keep our thoughts and actions in alignment with His Word and His joy is made complete in us! WOW! –“ I have loved you, just as the Father has loved Me; abide in My love, continue in His love with Me. If you keep My commandments; if you continue to obey My instructions,
you will abide in My love and live on in it, just as I have obeyed My Father’s commandments and live on in His love. I have told you these things, that My joy and delight may be in you, and that your joy and gladness may be of full measure and complete and overflowing.” John 15:9-11 AMP --- Is it easy to lose our joy when we fill our ears with world news? What happens to our level of joy when we fail to take time for a relationship with God? Does a Christian’s ability to praise God in every situation become weak if they choose to disobey God? “ A joyful heart helps healing, but a broken spirit dries up the bones. “ Proverbs 17:22 CEB -- King Solomon wrote most of the Proverbs. Humbly Solomon asked God for wisdom and God granted him extraordinary knowledge that we get to read, memorize and lodge in our hearts. Abiding in His word, we find this remarkable wisdom! That a joyful heart is good for us physically, emotionally and spiritually! How can a person be joyous in the midst of a trial like Cancer, or losing a loved one? “Consider it nothing but joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you fall into various trials. Be assured that the testing of your faith, through experience, produces
endurance which leads to spiritual maturity, and inner peace. And let endurance have its perfect result and do a thorough work, so that you may be perfect and completely developed in your faith, lacking in nothing…” James 1:2-4 AMP – Many mothers sow with tears as they pray for their children. As a mother, when I talk about the current spiritual state of my children, I shed tears because I am an emotional being. Those tears don’t mean I’ve given up on God redeeming my boys. It means that when I talk to God or other Christians about them, I am sowing tears of hope. “They who sow in tears shall reap with joyful singing.”
Psalm 126:5 --- When we grieve, it is entirely possible to experience joy in the process. “You will be sorrowful, but your sorrow will be turned into joy.” John 16:20 AMP -- Unbelievers grieve differently because they do not have the HOPE we cling to. How does Christian grief differ from worldly grief? Barbara Hoyle chronicles her journey with God and whatever spiritual insights God impressed upon her on a post entitled "Good Grief" within this blog. Her son suddenly died in April of 2016 and Barb wrote a very insightful article on how she found joy in the midst of her grief over the loss of Jason. “Now we do not want you to be uninformed, believers, about those who are asleep in death, so that you will not grieve for them as the others do who have no hope beyond this present life.” 1 Thessalonians
4:13 -- What should you do when you find joy is missing from your life? Don’t let Satan lie to you like I did when I first found out my sons were straying from their Christian upbringing. He told me that if I couldn’t get my sons to love God, I had no business teaching the Bible or leading in worship through singing. --A teaching by Andi Cook on the Fruit of the Spirit. Andi is a pastors daughter, a wife of a pastor, and a loving mother of three sons. Andi also graduated from seminary and she has published several books on WATTPAD. Andi is gifted by God to write and you will be blessed by reading her books. COMING SOON is the Fruit of Peace.
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